The records that appear below are unchecked reports. In the case of rare species, their inclusion here does not imply acceptance by a rarities committee. An archive of previous months can be found here
Please submit any notable records to the Moray & Nairn Bird Recorder via e-mail ( or use the Contact page on this website.
See side panel for news of the next indoor meeting of Moray Bird Club.
10/2/2025 (08:30) Kumlien’s Gull 1 (3CY), Iceland Gull 1 (2CY), Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire Dave Pullan
Kumlien’s Gull, Loch Oire 10 February 2025 (Dave Pullan)
10/2/2025 Great White Egret 1 still at Newmill ponds (Auldearn NH9154) Mike Crutch
10/2/2025 (pm) Slavonian Grebe 1, Red-throated Diver 1, Brent Goose 25, Eider 26, Long-tailed Duck 18, Common Scoter 8, Sanderling 3, Grey Partridge 2, Fieldfare 50 Hilton of Delnies Blair Whyte
9/2/2025 (am) Iceland Gull 2 (2CY, 3CY), Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 (adult) Loch Oire Richard Somers Cocks, Tom Dewick
Iceland Gulls [left 2CY, right 3CY], Loch Oire 9 February 2025 (Richard Somers Cocks)
8/2/2025 Corn Bunting 47 Dipple (NJ3258) Alastair Young
8/2/2025 Great White Egret 1 still at Newmill ponds (Auldearn NH9154) Paulo Bessa
7/2/2025 (late pm) Great White Egret 1 still at Newmill ponds (Auldearn NH9154) Roy Dennis, Kev Cuthbert
Great White Egret, Newmill 7 February 2025 (Kev Cuthbert)
7/2/2025 (am) Gadwall 2 (a pair), no sign of American Wigeon Loch Spynie Richard Somers Cocks
7/2/2025 (am) Iceland Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire Richard Somers Cocks
Iceland Gull, Loch Oire 7 February 2025 (Richard Somers Cocks)
7/2/2025 (16:00) Surf Scoter 2 (males), Slavonian Grebe 4, Great Crested Grebe 1, Velvet Scoter 20+ Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) Paulo Bessa
7/2/2025 Great White Egret 1 still at Newmill ponds (Auldearn NH9154) Kev Cuthbert
6/2/2025 Snow Bunting 102 Cabrach (NJ3826) Robert Ince
Snow Buntings, Cabrach 6 February 2025 (Robert Ince)
6/2/2025 (09:30-10:30 and 15:00-15:30) Goldeneye 58, Goosander 14, Shelduck 1, Wigeon 370, Tufted Duck 70, Teal 170, Mallard 15, Mute Swan 10, Coot 57, Little Grebe 4 Loch Spynie Martin Cook
6/2/2025 (around midday) American Wigeon 1 (male) Loch Spynie reported by unknown observer on Birdguides
6/2/2025 Great White Egret 1 still at Newmill ponds (Auldearn NH9154) Allan Lawrence
5/2/2025 Bar-tailed Godwit 71 Burghead Willie Findlay
5/2/2025 (pm) Great White Egret 1 still at Newmill ponds (Auldearn NH9154) Iain Rollo
4/2/2025 (13:30) Kingfisher 2 Loch Oire Dave Slater
4/2/2025 Iceland Gull 1 (3CY) Loch Oire David Main
Iceland Gull [left], Loch Oire 4 February 2025 (David Main)
4/2/2025 Surf Scoter 3 (2 male, 1 female) Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) per Birdguides
4/2/2025 (09:00 & 11:30) Great White Egret 1 still at Newmill ponds (Auldearn NH9154) Dave Pullan, Graham Larrington
Great White Egret, Newmill 4 February 2025 (Graham Larrington)
3/2/2025 (early pm) Great White Egret 1 Newmill ponds (Auldearn NH9154) Beryl Blackhall
3/2/2025 Bearded Tit 2 Loch Spynie (at the hide) Blair Whyte
2/2/2025 Goldeneye 2 (male, female), Goosander 2 (females) Rothes (on River Spey) Ian MacDonald
2/2/2025 (10:30) Iceland Gull 3 (adult, 3CY, 2CY), Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire per Birdguides
1/2/2025 (13:15) Surf Scoter 3 (2 male, 1 female), Velvet Scoter 35+, Common Scoter 20+, Slavonian Grebe c.8, Black-throated Diver 2, Red-throated Diver 3, Long-tailed Duck 7, Eider 6, Razorbill 4 Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) Thomas Puffin
1/2/2025 (11:30) Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY), Whooper Swan 1, Kingfisher 1 Loch Oire Thomas Puffin
1/2/2025 (pm) Purple Sandpiper 47 Buckpool (at the Yardie) David Law
1/2/2025 (pm) Dunlin 80 Portgordon harbour David Law
1/2/2025 Bearded Tit 2, Kingfisher 1 Loch Spynie (at the hide) Andy Lawson
Bearded Tit, Loch Spynie 1 February 2025 (Andy Lawson)
1/2/2025 (pm) Surf Scoter 3 (2 male, 1 female) Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) per Birdguides
1/2/2025 (13:30) Iceland Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire per Birdguides
31/1/2025 Black-throated Diver 4, Red-throated Diver 6, Razorbill 10 Burghead (off the maltings) Alan MacAskill, Craig Forsyth
31/1/2025 Slavonian Grebe 15, Black-throated Diver 5, Red-throated Diver 19, Common Scoter 30, Velvet Scoter 40+ Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) Alan MacAskill, Craig Forsyth
31/1/2025 Slavonian Grebe 2, Red-throated Diver 2, Brent Goose 22, Long-tailed Duck c.20, Eider 50+, Common Scoter 4, Bar-tailed Godwit 80, Knot 100 off Nairn harbour Alan MacAskill, Craig Forsyth
31/1/2025 (12:30) Iceland Gull 1 (2CY), Wigeon 270, Goldeneye 5 Loch Oire Martin Cook
31/1/2025 (11:00-11:30) Slavonian Grebe 13, Black-throated Diver 1, Red-throated Diver 8, Velvet Scoter 41, scoter sp. 97 (very distant in poor light), Long-tailed Duck 28+, Eider 33, Red-breasted Merganser 5 Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) Martin Cook
29/1/2025 (pm) Siskin 100+, Song Thrush 1, Fieldfare & Redwing c.60 in a mixed flock Rothes Ian McDonald
28/1/2025 (08:55-10:00) Pochard 1, Pintail 3, Gadwall 3, Shelduck 1, Goldeneye 24, Teal 346, Wigeon 451, Goosander 4, Mallard 27, Tufted Duck 69, Coot 99, Greylag Goose 3, Mute Swan 48, Cormorant 6 Loch Spynie Graham & Sue Larrington
28/1/2025 (am) Redpoll 120 Half Davoch Roy Dennis
27/1/2025 (late pm) Glaucous Gull 1 (4CY) Loch Oire Dave Pullan
27/1/2025 (09:45) Iceland Gull 1 (2CY), Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire per Birdguides
26/1/2025 Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY), Goosander 14, Goldeneye 2 Loch Oire John Spencer
26/1/2025 Purple Sandpiper 8, Sanderling 3, Ringed Plover 10 Burghead Paulo Bessa
26/1/2025 (14:00) Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY), Iceland Gull 2 (adult, 2CY) Loch Oire Paulo Bessa
Glaucous Gull, Loch Oire 26 January 2025 (Paulo Bessa)
26/1/2025 (16:00) Surf Scoter 3 (2 male, 1 female type) Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) Graham & Sue Larrington
26/1/2025 (14:20) Surf Scoter 3 (2 male, 1 female) Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) Dave Pullan
26/1/2025 Brent Goose 19 (pale-bellied), Canada Goose 1 (flew west), Long-tailed Duck c.50, Common Scoter 36, Red-throated Diver 1 Nairn (off west beach) Allan Lawrence
26/1/2025 (09:30-09:50) Sanderling 32, Dunlin 51, Bar-tailed Godwit 10, Ringed Plover 26, Turnstone 4, Wigeon 1,306, Teal 219, Red-breasted Merganser 1, Little Grebe 3 (+1 on the canal) Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
26/1/2025 (08:25-09:25) Black Guillemot 10, Razorbill 73, Guillemot 12, Kittiwake 1, Great Northern Diver 3, Red-throated Diver 2, Long-tailed Duck 29, Common Scoter 2 past Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
26/1/2025 (am) Iceland Gull 2 (adult, 2CY) Loch Oire Paulo Bessa
26/1/2025 (08:30-10:00) Velvet Scoter 32, Common Scoter 101, Eider 38, Long-tailed Duck c.35, Red-breasted Merganser 5, Goldeneye 1 Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) Graham & Sue Larrington
25/1/2025 (pm) Red Kite 1 Blacksboat Neil Sutherland & Carol Armour
25/1/2025 (14:30) Iceland Gull 1 (2CY), Goosander 27, Whooper Swan 1 Loch Oire Blair Whyte
Iceland Gull, Loch Oire 25 January 2025 (Blair Whyte)
25/1/2025 (15:19) Snow Bunting 7 Culbin Bar per Birdguides (probably means Nairn east beach)
25/1/2025 (15:00) Surf Scoter 3 (2 male, 1 female/2CY) Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) Mark Warren
25/1/2025 (12:00-13:00) Glaucous Gull 1 (3CY), Marsh Harrier 1 (flew east) Lossie estuary Mark Warren
25/1/2025 (10:45-11:25) Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY), Goldeneye 11, Goosander 7, Wigeon 275 Loch Oire Graham & Sue Larrington
25/1/2025 (09:00-10:00) Iceland Gull 3 (adult, 2CY, 3CY), Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire and nearby pig farm opposite garden centre Mark Warren
25/1/2025 (08:20-09:20) Great Northern Diver 2, Red-throated Diver 9, Gannet 1, Razorbill 49, Guillemot 5, Kittiwake 1, Long-tailed Duck 9, Common Scoter 3, Red-breasted Merganser 2, Knot 8, Purple Sandpiper 24, Turnstone 10 past Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
24/1/2025 (12:30-13:30) Pochard 1 (male), Pintail 2 (males), Goldeneye 35, Goosander 3, Whooper Swan 1 Loch Spynie Neil Harris
23/1/2025 (13:45) Whooper Swan 6 Loch Flemington Ian Cooper
23/1/2025 (am) Goldeneye 3 Rothes (on River Spey) Ian McDonald
Goldeneye (displaying male), Rothes 23 January 2025 (Ian McDonald)
23/1/2025 (09:45) Goldeneye 1 Kingsteps pond Ian Cooper
22/1/2025 (12:15) Pochard 1 (male) Loch Spynie Martin Cook
22/1/2025 (10:30) Iceland Gull 1 (2CY), Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY), Herring Gull c.1,400 Loch Oire Martin Cook
21/1/2025 (16:03) Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY), Iceland Gull 1 Loch Oire per Birdguides
21/1/2025 (11:38) Surf Scoter 1 (adult male) Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) per Birdguides
20/1/2025 (16:10) Surf Scoter 1 (adult male) Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) per Birdguides
20/1/1025 (13:23) Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire Andy Lawson
20/1/2025 (early am) Pink-footed Goose 11,900 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
19/1/2025 Grey Partridge 4 Findhorn Bay (near Netherton access track) Richard Somers Cocks, Tom Dewick
19/1/2025 Brent Goose 43, Greenshank 1, Redshank 66, Oystercatcher 224, Curlew 125, Bar-tailed Godwit 37, Dunlin 26, Turnstone 8 Carse of Delnies (on saltmarsh) Graeme Prest
19/1/2025 Linnet 146 Hilton of Delnies Graeme Prest
19/1/2025 Long-tailed Duck 206, Common Scoter 57, Red-breasted Merganser 3, Wigeon 74, Red-throated Diver 17+, Razorbill 13+ Delnies (offshore) Graeme Prest
19/1/2025 (11:00) Merlin 1, Fieldfare 20 Altyre (NJ0450) Paulo Bessa
19/1/2025 (14:00) White-billed Diver 1 possible, Black-throated Diver 1, Red-throated Diver 1, Little Auk 1, Long-tailed Duck 100+, Eider 50+, Common Scoter 30, Red-breasted Merganser 3 off Delnies Paulo Bessa
19/1/2025 (13:50-14:10) Red Kite 4, Raven 5 Shearleat (Drynachan area NH865415) Graham & Sue Larrington
19/1/2025 Iceland Gull 1, Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 Loch Oire John Spencer
19/1/2025 Bar-tailed Godwit c.80, Purple Sandpiper 6 Burghead (on shore to the east) Allan Lawrence
18/1/2025 (10:00-13:00) Bar-tailed Godwit c.200, Knot c.1,500, Sanderling 26, Woodcock 1, Snow Bunting 8 Nairn Bar-Kingsteps Moray Bird Club outing
18/1/2025 (am) Canada Goose 4 Findhorn Bay Roy Dennis
18/1/2025 (early am) Shelduck 2 Balormie pig farm Bob Proctor
18/1/2025 (early am) Red-throated Diver 7 Lossiemouth (on the sea) Bob Proctor
18/1/2025 (08:25-09:25) Little Auk 2, Black Guillemot 16, Razorbill 14, Guillemot 1, Kittiwake 2, Great Northern Diver 1, Red-throated Diver 5, Long-tailed Duck 49, Common Scoter 2, Wigeon 2, Turnstone 1, Purple Sandpiper 2 past Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
17/1/2025 (18:30) Barn Owl 1 Broadley (near the crematorium) Martin Cook
17/1/2025 Brent Goose c.60 Nairn (off west golf club) Alan MacAskill, Blair Whyte
17/1/2025 Pochard 1, Goldeneye 14, Coot 29 Loch Spynie Alan MacAskill, Blair Whyte
17/1/2025 Grey Partridge 2 Covesea Alan MacAskill, Blair Whyte
17/1/2025 Velvet Scoter 5, Common Scoter c.100, Black-throated Diver 2, Red-throated Diver 5 Burghead Bay (from Roseisle Forest car park area) Alan MacAskill, Blair Whyte
17/1/2025 Twite 34, Merlin 1 (female in rifle butts/Mosset Burn area), Shelduck c.120 Alan MacAskill, Blair Whyte
17/1/2025 Brent Goose c.45, Knot 1,000+ Nairn Jack Harrison
Brent Geese and Knot, Nairn 17 January 2025 (Jack Harrison)
17/1/2025 (10:30) Iceland Gull 2 (2CY and adult), Lesser Black-backed Gull 3 (adults) Loch Oire Martin Cook
16/1/2025 (11:30) Goldeneye 13, Goosander 10 Nether Dallachy pool Martin Cook
16/1/2025 (11:00) Whooper Swan 6, Red-breasted Merganser 11, Pied Wagtail 14 Spey estuary Martin Cook
15/1/2025 Iceland Gull 1 (adult) Lossiemouth Matt Eade
15/1/2025 (late am) Snow Bunting 13 Nairn east beach Richard Somers Cocks
15/1/2025 (11:00) Goosander 18, Goldeneye 9, Wigeon 226, Whooper Swan 3 Cloddach quarry Martin Cook
15/1/2025 (10:00) Goosander 15, Goldeneye 6, Wigeon 370, Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 (adult) Loch Oire Martin Cook
14/1/2025 Bearded Tit 1, Kingfisher 1 Loch Spynie (at the hide) Kevin Lynch
14/1/2025 (07:15-08:00) Woodcock 9 (flying from fields back to woodland), Raven 1 near Maggieknockater Robert Ince
13/1/2025 (10:15-11:15) Bearded Tit 2 Loch Spynie (at the hide) Andy Lawson
13/1/2025 Brambling 1 near Maggieknockater (on garden feeders) Robert Ince
13/1/2025 (am) Bearded Tit 2+ Loch Spynie (heard from the hide and between the loch and old railway line) David Law
13/1/2025 (09:15-12:30) Goldeneye 43, Tufted Duck 59, Wigeon 374, Teal c.250, Pintail 2 (a pair), Goosander 9, Mute Swan 74, Coot 49, Moorhen 8, Cormorant 5 Loch Spynie David Law
13/1/2025 Jack Snipe 1, Snipe 3 (in marshy ground opposite Bow Fiddle Rock), Chiffchaff 1 (old railway line opposite the bowling green), Peregrine 1 (overhead) Portknockie Lenny Simpson
13/1/2025 (09:30) Snow Bunting 20+ Nairn east beach Ian Cooper
12/1/2025 (14:00) Red Kite 1 Alves (soaring just to the north) Gerry Cross
12/1/2025 (10:30) Bearded Tit 1 Loch Spynie (from the hide) Alex Coull
Bearded Tit, Loch Spynie 12 January 2025 (Alex Coull)
12/1/2025 (12:00) Brambling 1 Clochan (at garden feeders) Martin & Jenny Cook
Brambling, Clochan 12 January 2025 (Martin Cook)
12/1/2025 (10:25-10:35) Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 (adult), Meadow Pipit 2 Balormie pig farm Bob Proctor
12/1/2025 (10:00-10:15) Teal 487, Bar-tailed Godwit 7 Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
12/1/2025 (08:50-09:50) Black-throated Diver 1, Red-throated Diver 9, Great Northern Diver 9, Scaup 5, Long-tailed Duck 12, Common Scoter 6, Wigeon 3, Black Guillemot 3, Guillemot 5 Skylark 1 past Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
11/1/2025 (08:50-09:50) Red-throated Diver 8, Great Northern Diver 4, Long-tailed Duck 19, Shelduck 1, Guillemot 3, Turnstone 8 past Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
11/1/2025 Siskin c.200 in Alders and birds seeking food in shingle at the riverside Rothes Ian McDonald
Meadow Pipit and Redwing, Rothes 11 January 2025 (Ian McDonald)
10/1/2025 Corn Bunting 14, Yellowhammer 76 Dipple Al Young
10/1/2025 (14:00) Skylark c.1,000, Peregrine 1 Covesea (NJ179703) Graham & Sue Larrington
10/1/2025 (09:00-14:00) Great White Egret 1, Coot c.120, Goosander 19, Pintail 4, Woodcock 1, Kingfisher 1, Goshawk 1, Peregrine 2 Loch Spynie Kevin Cuthbert, Alex Coull
Goosanders, Loch Spynie 10 January 2025 (Kevin Cuthbert)
10/1/2025 Brambling 3 (along old railway line at first bridge), Blackcap 1 (female in garden), Canada Goose 1 (in the harbour) Portknockie Lenny Simpson
Canada Goose, Portknockie harbour 10 January 2025 (Lenny Simpson)
10/1/2025 (14:00) Brambling 1 Clochan (at garden feeders) Martin & Jenny Cook
9/1/2025 (12:13) Iceland Gull 2 (adult and 2CY) Loch Oire per Birdguides
9/1/2025 (11:00) Jack Snipe 1 Porttannachy (in fields) Martin Cook
9/1/2025 (10:30) Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY) among 2,000-3,000 Herring Gulls on shore just west of Porttannachy (NJ380644) Martin Cook
9/1/2025 (11:45) Brambling 1 (male) Lossiemouth (Fulmar Road, at garden feeder) Henry Farquhar
Brambling, Lossiemouth 9 January 2025 (Henry Farquhar)
8/1/2025 Woodcock 1 Clochan David Law
8/1/2025 Brent Goose 34 (off west golf course), Eider c.100, Long-tailed Duck c.200, Knot c.650 (at the harbour) Nairn Alan MacAskill
8/1/2025 (07:15) Barn Owl 1 near Portgordon (at A98 crossroads) Mick Bestwick
7/1/2025 Whooper Swan 20, Skylark c.1,000 Covesea Allan Lawrence
7/1/2025 Bullfinch 3 Elgin town centre David Main
Bullfinch, Elgin 7 January 2025 (David Main)
6/1/2025 Song Thrush 1 Half Davoch Roy Dennis
6/1/2025 Brambling 3 Loch Spynie (at car park feeders) Allan Lawrence
Bramblings [male on left, female on the right], Loch Spynie 6 January 2025 (Allan Lawrence)
6/1/2025 Grey Partridge 1 Pittendreich David & Eileen Main
6/1/2025 Grey Wagtail 1 Elgin (Tyock Burn in Edgar Road) David & Eileen Main
6/1/2025 Brambling 2, Blackcap 1 Aberlour Alan Souter
6/1/2025 (am) Shelduck 1 Sanquhar Loch (Forres) Sam Edwards
Shelduck, Sanquhar Loch 6 January 2025 (Sam Edwards)
6/1/2025 (10:30) Brambling 7 Inverugie (at garden feeders) Graham & Sue Larrington
Brambling, Inverugie 6 January 2025 (Graham Larrington)
5/1/2025 (midday) Kingfisher 1 Garmouth viaduct (east end) Mike Collins
5/1/2025 (midday) Whooper Swan 4, Goldeneye 10 Spey estuary Mike Collins
5/1/2025 Red-throated Diver 14, Sanderling 23 Culbin Bar Al Young
5/1/2025 Grey Plover 11, Sanderling 27, Knot 1,100 Nairn Bar Graeme Prest
5/1/2025 Long-tailed Duck 370+ Nairn Dave Pullan
5/1/2025 Purple Sandpiper 43 Buckpool Martin Cook
5/1/2025 Brambling 1 (in garden), Grey Wagtail 1 (by the river) Broom of Moy Ian Bailey
5/1/2025 Little Grebe 20, Pink-footed Goose 8,660, Pintail 526, Golden Plover 98, Bar-tailed Godwit 87 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks, Graham & Sue Larrington, Gordon McMullins
5/1/2025 Twite 42 Delnies saltmarsh Roy Dennis
5/1/2025 Long-tailed Duck 280 west Nairn Roy Dennis
5/1/2025 Wigeon 2,436, Teal 449, Sanderling 58, Purple Sandpiper 25 Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
5/1/2025 (09:30-10:00) Red-breasted Merganser 14, Goosander 2, Goldeneye 7, Wigeon 110, Teal 98, Lapwing 33, Curlew 146 Spey estuary (east side) Martin Cook
5/1/2025 (09:10-10:10) Great Northern Diver 24, Black-throated Diver 1, Red-throated Diver 12, Little Auk 1, Black Guillemot 8, Razorbill 5, Long-tailed Duck 16, Common Scoter 4, Goldeneye 1 past Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
4/1/2025 Purple Sandpiper 7, Bar-tailed Godwit 75, Knot 60 Burghead Bill Taylor
4/1/2025 (pm) Iceland Gull 1 (adult), Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 (adult) Loch Oire Dave Pullan
4/1/2025 (am) Pintail 2 (male, female) Loch Spynie James Officer
Pintail, Loch Spynie 4 January 2025 (James Officer)
4/1/2025 (am) Shelduck 109 Nairn Bar (NH9260) Richard Somers Cocks
4/1/2025 (am) Brent Goose 52, Long-tailed Duck 150+, Eider 60+, Purple Sandpiper 15 Nairn-Delnies Hugh Jones
4/1/2025 (am) Crossbill sp. 8 Delnapot woods (NJ1637) Neil Sutherland & Carol Armour
4/1/2025 (09:40-10:50) Little Gull 1, Little Auk 2, Red-throated Diver 7 Lossiemouth (off north pier) Graham & Sue Larrington
4/1/2025 (08:55-09:55) Little Auk 8, Black Guillemot 21, Guillemot 5, Razorbill 50, Gannet 12, Kittiwake 4, Great Northern Diver 17, Red-throated Diver 11, Black-throated Diver 2, Long-tailed Duck 48, Common Scoter 5, Teal 5 past Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
4/1/2025 (09:25) Brambling 1 Lossiemouth (Fulmar Road, at garden feeder) Henry Farquhar
3/1/2025 Snow Bunting 12 Nairn east beach Dave Pullan
3/1/2025 Linnet 500+ Househill (Nairn) Dave Pullan
3/1/2025 (13:25) Fieldfare c.240, Redwing c.100, Lapwing 33 Coltfield (Roseisle Forest access road NJ111647) Graham & Sue Larrington
3/1/2025 (10:30) Goldeneye 10, Red-breasted Merganser 7, Wigeon 260 Spey estuary Martin Cook
3/1/2025 (10:00) Goldeneye 13, Goosander 5, Cormorant 2 Nether Dallachy pool Martin Cook
3/1/2025 (10:05) Iceland Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire per Birdguides
3/1/2025 (09:30) Great White Egret 1, Pintail 1 (male), Gadwall 3, Whooper Swan 6, Curlew 350+, Kingfisher 1, Goshawk 1 (2CY) Loch Spynie Kevin Cuthbert
Great White Egret, Loch Spynie 3 January 2025 (Kevin Cuthbert)
3/1/2025 (09:10) Linnet c.600 Roseisle (NJ127658) Graham & Sue Larrington
2/1/2025 Fieldfare c.70, Skylark c.20 Braes of Enzie/Clochan area David Law
2/1/2025 Slavonian Grebe 1 Earnhill (west of Findhorn Bay on flooded field NJ015607) Dave Pullan
2/1/2025 (12:00) Hawfinch 1 (female), Brambling 1 Cragganmore Neil Sutherland & Carol Armour
Hawfinch, Cragganmore 2 January 2025 (Neil Sutherland)
2/1/2025 (13:20) Iceland Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire Paulo Bessa
2/1/2025 (am) Fieldfare c.90 Pitairlie Henry Farquhar
2/1/2025 (09:15-09:20) Great White Egret 1, Pintail 2 (male & female) Loch Spynie Henry Farquhar
1/1/2025 Kingfisher 1 Kingsteps (Minister’s Pool) Anne Sinclair
1/1/2025 (am) Glaucous Gull 1 (2CY), Iceland Gull 1 (2CY) Loch Oire Bob Proctor
Glaucous Gull [left] and Iceland Gull, Loch Oire 1 January 2025 (Bob Proctor)
1/1/2025 (am) Pintail 2, Wigeon 946, Mallard 83 Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Bob Proctor
1/1/2025 (am) Teal 138, Sanderling 20 Lossie estuary Bob Proctor
1/1/2025 (08:45-09:45) Great Northern Diver 17, Red-throated Diver 5, Gannet 3, Fulmar 1, Long-tailed Duck 66, Common Scoter 3, Razorbill 2 past Lossiemouth Bob Proctor
1/1/2025 (11:00) Redwing 60 Clochan Martin & Jenny Cook